Visiting Family

Raleigh, Asheville, Keokuk, Greeley, and Lakeside (s0 far!)

Visiting family is another highlight of my trip.  Tom Chi says that we each create and contribute new colors that expand the palette of being for all.  These are the people who have contributed new colors to me and so enriched my life.


I had to make a side trip to Raleigh – I count July 16th as the start of my Journey as Megan turned 40!   I think children shape their parents’ culture, and Megan has created uncountable new colors for my being!  No prouder father exists!



Brittney is (still) in the process of purchasing her first house!  So I made a special stop in Asheville so she could show the place to me.  Wow – the excitement!  The new colors she shows me each time I see her.
The Mitchells

My mother was a Mitchell.  It’s a special treat whenever I feel like I’m acting like a Mitchell.  They have a special sense of personality and adventure that I’ve always felt contributes the best in me.  Unfortunately, they all live far away so I rarely get to see them.  I carefully planned my route so I could visit.  Each made a special contribution of so many new colors, in our summers as children and on my new journey …



Chuck took me to a “Celtic jam session.”  Here he has introduced me to a musician and instrument maker from that session (unfortunately I’ve forgotten his name – I plead age.)


He also took me to a Celtic story teller’s evening.  Again, new colors!



Bonnie took me on a picnic to hear the music of the group from the University of Northern Colorado.


And introduced me to Sky!

Celia and Gary …


Celia introduced me to the Sandhills of Nebraska.  Wow!


Gary deepened my joy of the Sandhills by showing me the details of life 37 miles from the nearest gas station and grocery store.  I’ll post many new colors later …


And introduced me to Davy, here patiently waiting on me as he leads me back home after a delightful morning walk.

Ann …

Finally, I’ll add my sister Ann – and her husband Geoff to this list.  I’ll visit them later, but her contribution to my palette has been incalculable!

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  1. This is such fun for me, Barry!I knew Anne loved horses and owned some for a while- Arabians, if I remember rightly. But I’d no idea you’d both ridden with your Mom and that she was a horsewoman. I wish I’d known when she was alive, could have talked to her, gleaned knowledge and lovingness.

    Gary and I live in the Sandhills of NEBRASKA, not of Colorado which doesn’t have Sandhills geography or ecology. (-;

    Thanks so much for all these family connections. I’d no idea you had Joe in your family or quite how that happened. So THANKS! Another family member is always welcome.

    It’s wonderful to know what you remember of your early life. For me, at 6 months, we moved to the Tienken Road, Rochester Michigan home and Mom and Dad didn’t move OUT of there till I was out of college and away from it as MY home. I’ve always been grateful I wasn’t there to see the old farm house we lived in reduced from a space of rooms with remarkable memories to a quite small pile of rubble with a bathtub perched on top. I saw that in a picture, but in my mind the house resides, whole.

    love to you and thanks for these blogs!



    1. Celia – How did I miss that??? I know it shouldn’t be Colorado. A mistake from way back months, years ago and never corrected. But I’m correcting it now.I had forgotten your address – so many wonderful memories of Tienken Road. Thank you!


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