Two Women …

Winston Salem, NC                                                                  Nov. 21, 2016

Four months later …

A very simple moment taught me a lot.  As I left Casey and Kim, Kim gave me a bag lunch for my drive – a tuna sandwich, cutup apple, and celery sticks.  I said that I’d put it on the seat next to me so I could eat it a few hours later.  Kim said, “Ummm.  Tuna.  You might think about putting it in the cooler instead…”  In that moment I was flooded with recollections of my dependence on Barbara and Robin for the common sense wisdom I often lack.

During the drive, as I reflected on the two women, I realized I had felt a slave to cancer for all those years yet in four months I had more than made up for all I missed.  And that I will carry with me Barbara and Robin’s model of courage, strength, wisdom, and spirit as long as I live.

On our mountain lot

Barry and Barbara underwater

I gained so much more than I lost.  Much more work to do, but I’m in a much happier place now.

I’m home now.  Megan threw the heavy artillery at me – had the grandchildren tell me they missed me and could I join them for Thanksgiving?  So I will be there.

This blog will continue.  My stories are about three weeks behind so I’ll upload many posts on the rest of my trip.  Then I’ll continue with new travels and local stories …


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