
South Dakota, the Badlands, North Dakota


The tourists pushed me north.  I was warned – August is the worst time of the year to visit our national parks.  So this post is mostly pictures made along my way.  Sadly, that includes the Badlands although I took a 30 mile gravel road through on the park border that avoided most of the hoards.


My last image from the Sandhills – two hawks search for dinner in a freshly rolled hayfield.


The old stands unused –


The new replaced the old – but not in our hearts.


The scale of operations always amazes me.  The farmhouse, barns, and storage sit on tens of thousands of acres of fertile – and thirsty – fields.


I can’t imagine the work necessary to “put up” this much hay!


No wonder huge machines,


high capacity irrigation systems,


and huge storage systems dominate farming today.


Still, the beauty


the wildlife – here a small herd of pronghorns –


and the color are there to delight our eyes.


Even as modern technology moves in…



Rolling through the Badlands…






And a few closing images






Next: Glacier …

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One Comment

  1. Barry,
    I’m sitting in my office ready to work on my Teleclasses but decided to have a peak at what you are up to. My goodness, I felt like I was right there with you. What an amazing blog you are creating. I hope you don’t mind me sharing your address with the church. This is just too beautiful not to share! Thank you for such a gift to my day! Ana Tampanna


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