Three Grandkids

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!”  – Tom Robbins

I now have the time and the freedom to recover the joyfulness and zest of a happy childhood.  But after so many years I need a tutorial.  So of course I turn to my grandchildren …

They enter life announcing their presence and aren’t afraid to let you know their wants and feelings.

_FBW8618  (CHECK, I’ve got that lesson down pat already!)

Well, they still can do it better …


From then on they explore, they move; their activity is my inspiration!

Annie with your present




They also have a sense of style

_FBW3564Annie birth of the cool_DSC0410(I’ll never achieve such style.  But I have an excuse, their style is inherited!  See the picture of their father below.)



But when they’re young, they don’t let style rule.  They dive in!


Even with a ride like this they go back and do it again!


They focus – and achieve!


Computers?  Robotics?  No problem!!


They practice and work.  (Well at things they love, not so much on chores.)


And they too get a little help from the friends.


After a disaster


They snap back with even greater success!


They love family.  There is a special sense of wonder at a new baby brother.

Jake in hospital_DSC1089

They parade a new sister with pride!


Their love grows,

Jake in Hospital_DSC1167

So they learn,


And grow.


So much for me to adopt in my journey!  I leave tomorrow!


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  1. Barry, This is delightful!

    Thank you so much for inviting me in….it’s a beautiful way to get to know you. Your grandchildren are exquisite. I can get a sense of your deep love for your family.

    I truly feel blessed for this expression of yourself and I can’t wait to read the past and future posts. You are an inspiration!


  2. Barry,
    Great job. Nice way to mark the end of one and beginning of another chapter. I love the quote you used. Thanks for all your work to share your “walkabout” with us. Let me know about any great beers you discover on your trek.


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