Shelley Lake, Raleigh, NC July 14, 2019
Watch a bird. You’ll see sandpipers and stilts walk along the beach, you’ll see herons walk as they wade. Finches and crows and sparrows all walk as they move along a branch or on the ground. They all walk like we do: they walk on their two feet. But watch an eagle.

At Shelley Lake Park, the male eagle has delivered a meal. The female prepares and feeds the two eaglets. Now the male wants out!
Lets Watch Our Eagle Take a Hike.

The eagle is only going to go about 5 feet to safety on the branch above the nest. A couple of steps will do it. But does he walk? Look at that wing extension! A full reach.

The eagle flies his step!

The landing – but look as those wings rise for the next step.

Both feet on the branch, it’s just an easy step to the side.

But look! Another full wing extension.

The eagle flies another step!

As the feet are planted the wings begin another extension.

Nearly full wings…

Fly another step! Look at the downward stroke – up the eagle goes.

Now bring the wings down and in. Firmly plant those legs.

The eagle has landed! Four wing beats, four flights, four steps!
Lets See Another “Walk.”

Here our brave eagle is delivering another meal. The two eaglets are bigger now. There is no need for an adult in the nest. The female is gone. Of course, our male isn’t going to feed those eaglets! As he drops the food, he sinks deeper into the nest.

Again, our male wants out! Again, he’s only going a couple of steps – I think he could walk. But again, look at that extension!

Powerful downward stroke. He flies as he takes a single step!
I’ve abbreviated this hike. He took two complete wing extensions to lift himself up and this, his third stroke, to move right.

A last stroke and flight brought him up. He pivoted and flew away!
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