Momma Bear, Baby Bear

Haines, Alaska                                                                          Sept. 11, 2016

Momma bears are very good mothers!

Can you imagine falling asleep maybe in October and waking in, say, March with one or two babies nursing?!?!?!  That’s a momma bears life!  The cubs will stay with her for more than 2 years, generally hibernating with her twice.  The cub in this series was probably born this past winter and is about 7 months old.  A real baby bear – the cub stays close to mom!


Momma bear has to teach a lot to baby bear.  Including how to walk on logs!


Momma walks pretty confidently to the end


Taking each step quickly and naturally.


And at the end looks back to see how baby bear is doing.


So baby slowly starts.  The cub really doesn’t like to get wet!


So (s)he walks the log because that’s better than swimming in that cold, cold river.


The cub follows the whole way.  This time.  But sometimes the momma goes too far!


Momma bear starts; baby bear climbs up the log and follows,


dutifully following behind.


Mimicking mother and paying attention to whatever momma pays attention to.


Climbing the log like a pro …


Then momma climbs down and continues …


Baby bear watches from the top.


Again copying momma.


But momma has gone too far and baby bear can’t figure out how to get down!


No way mom, I’m going to have to go back and then catch up.


There’s a reward for following momma so close.  Baby bear has not yet learned to fish – so momma bear brings dinner for both of them.


And if baby bear doesn’t like her dinner, why just go and take momma’s.  She won’t mind.


Momma just goes and catches another dinner.


And when baby doesn’t like the last fish, just go and take momma’s new dinner.


That’s the life of a momma bear!


Sound familiar?!?!




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