Iowa Back Road Adventures

Leaving Keokuk on Highway 2

A little fun …


Iowa roads are straight, very straight and its a very long drive across Iowa.  And very lonely …


Oh look!  Here comes a truck!  Most exciting thing to happen in hours!


There’s a pretty house!


Oh, a cornfield!


What!!!  A truck in front of me!


No way!


Bye Bye Mr. Truck!


Never seen a tractor like that!


What?!  He’s going to pass me??


This can’t be happening!!!!


Bye Bye Iowa.  It’s been exciting …

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  1. Yup that’s Iowa all right. They have even taller tractors than that to go above the corn. Changeable wheels maybe? Loved the “story. “


  2. Well, at least you had a restful drive with beautiful scenery! Glad the trip is going well!


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