Two Women

Memories of Robin –

We were so young that day in 1967.  Confident of our future.  We smiled and were happy.


I took this picture after the guests left and our new home was quiet and full of promise.

Robin after the guests left.

We climbed mountains, enjoying the views and reveling in our strength …

Robin on Roan Mtn

We built our home on this land, on this very spot.  Most of the work we did ourselves. Crewed on the shell, did the electrical and plumbing (with a little help from our friends.)  Did the Cabinets.  And 7 years later, Robin announced that she’d hired another friend to come in and finish up!

On our mountain lot

We canoed together – and with Megan.  The river was our metaphor for life.  Don’t fight, work with the flow, follow the current.  Work the rapids – and if you didn’t swim, you weren’t learning.  Even Megan went for a swim!

In Canoe with Megan

And after cancer struck, life was to be lived. We were teachers, and above all we were parents.  Robin  gathered her strength and spirit and moved on.

Robin and Megan feeding seaguls

Even after three rounds of chemo and two bone marrow transplants Robin’s spirit was strong as she covered herself with the quilt her friends created for her.

With friends and quilt

But after eight years …



Memories of Barbara –

Our kids are nearly grown, but we started together in 2003 with the spirit and joy of a new life.  On that beach in the Cayman Islands, we began a new journey.

DSC_2163a (1)DSC_2176a (1)

Diving became our refuge from our daily lives in high pressure environment of Washington, DC.  We were unwilling workaholics as we earned some of the pleasures of life.

us after dive

We loved remote dive centers – here we are on Grand Turk Island.


We welcomed Annie.

Barbara Annie

We treasured moments with the kids.


And even with each other – although Barbara was a little upset that I had the chopper doors removed so I could hang out and take pictures!Us in the chopper

And we built anew, again with our own hands. Tore the place apart, installed new flooring, installed new cabinets (again with a little help from our friends.)

Barbara and Barry in new kitchen

When cancer struck Barbara gathered her strength and spirit.  Barbara is perhaps the only woman with an active case of lung cancer to scuba dive to 120 feet!

Barry and Barbara underwater

Even after radiation, multiple rounds of chemotherapy, and immune therapy – with friends her spirit stayed strong.


Until, after 10 years ….

Now I have to draw upon the strength and spirit of these two women as I journey alone to rebuild my own strength and spirit.

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  1. Very touching. Their resiliency was profound! And you get to take some of that with you everywhere you go. Hugs.


  2. Your spirit is strong. Go. Honor them. Continue to write your story.

    Tim Winter


  3. Very touching! Barbara was a strong woman with a great spirit. I think you captured that beautifully!


  4. Maja Chemnitz Frederiksen November 7, 2019 at 9:46 pm

    Thank you Barry, for visiting us in Nuuk. Thank you for telling us your story and showing your touching pictures of your family. Have a safe journey home to America. And you are allways welcome again here in Greenland. With love Maja – Biinia’s mother


  5. […] I have been blogging for the past 4 years. My documentary/story telling style can be seen at: My first post is of course – […]


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