Friendship Endures …

Bloomington, Indiana

Feeling like family …

While we were at Indiana, Guy and Connie were our very close friends.  Afterwards we visited occasionally but the last time we saw each other was in 1987 and we’ve hardly communicated since then.  I knew I wanted to visit – and they not only welcomed me, but brought me into their family.


After greeting me with hugs and smiles, we decided a mushroom hunt was in order to obtain chantrelles for dinner.


Guy carefully instructed me in how to recognize chantrelles – not only was the color bright and unique, but the gills extend down the stalk.  So even I could identify them easily and safely.


Obviously the hunt was a great success – in fact, we went on 3 hunts, each with great success.


Joining their dinners made me a part of their family.  And we reminisced.


They invited Ellen to dinner – Guy was my best man and Ellen was Robin’s maid of honor at our wedding.  We walked, talked, and ate and I felt wonderful.


We visited Robin’s and my first home.

We looked at old IU Yearbook pictures.  I’d never seen them and wondered how the editors would treat us – very fairly I thought.   And what a hoot to see ourselves as we were then!  I don’t need to dwell on each picture but  only mention that they brought smiles to my heart.







In the same spirit, I found the old bar where we talked politics, planned the revolution, and wrote our polemics still looked the same as it did 50 years ago!

The music scene was another highlight.


Guy played his guitar and sang a lot.  As I remember, one late night date we ended up at party of conservative law students.  Guy pulled out his dobro and played, “Kill for Peace!”  We left rather hurriedly…


He still plays – wonderful fun songs – although he looks a bit different now!


I was also treated to a family sing!


I left feeling I was a member of the family!






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One Comment

  1. I love that our best man visited his best man! With shorts, suspenders and black socks Guy looks like a man after Harry’s own heart. Family singing is my family’s forte. Proud to be in such good company with your friends!


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