Friendship Endures …

Hayesville & Murphy, NC

Rarely seen, but always remembered –


In 1985, I was best man at Harry and Rachel’s wedding.  Over 30 years later they opened their home to me and made their home my home as the first stop on my journey.  I felt so welcome …


Robin and Carol were almost inseparable for so many years.  So wonderful to visit and remember!


Jim and Billie have welcomed me so many times!


Ann was one of the quilters who gave Robin so much joy.


With a smile like this, I couldn’t resist adding Harry a second time!


I once helped Bass vaccinate almost 300 piglets.  Robin smelled me as I tried to get in the door and made me throw every stitch of clothing, including shoes and belt, in the fire pit before I could come in.  Then I was commanded to head directly to the shower …


Turner, our school psychologist, took Robin and me into the vacant school auditorium to counsel us as Robin first told me of her diagnosis.


I listen to Rob’s (along with Dave and the others) Irons in the Fire Small Towns CD as I drive on this trip.


George now has a restaurant in Murphy called Shoebooties.  He welcomed me – and bought me my beer!  Thanks, George!

So many friends, so many memories, so welcoming!

To be continued …

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  1. Good morning Barry,
    Looks like you’re enjoying your road trip…time to refill the heart & soul with the love from friends!
    Best wishes,


  2. Thanks, it was fun for me to see old friends through your photos.


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