Eagle vs. Eagle!

Haines, Alaska                                                                           Sept. 11, 2016

Always be Ready …

Alaska is an incredible place – the opportunities are everywhere.  Again I’d joined a small group with a wildlife biologist.  Everyone wanted to see the bears.  But they weren’t cooperating and so our guide led us to a place where we might see eagles.  We counted 35 on a sandbar where salmon were plentiful.  I had my best camera on a tripod with a special mount for tracking wildlife.  But even with a 10x lens the eagles seemed tiny.  Then I looked up!  A juvenile eagle – too young to have developed the snowy white head – appeared to have taken a dislike to an adult eagle.

(I wish I knew more.  I can’t tell the sex of the birds.  I have no idea why the juvenile attacked.  I don’t know the tactics involved.  I’m not even sure who won.  So my comments are speculative – if someone knows, please chime in or send me a note…)


I watched as a juvenile rose above the adult – something was about to happen.  It seemed to me that the upper bird has a definite advantage.  Closing in from above seemed to signal and attack!


The adult responded – flying almost upside down with talons out as the juvenile descended.


Then the adult broke off and started flying away,


But then rose, turned and attacked!


The juvenile flew off …


Until (s)he rose above and turned tables on the adult.


Talons touched, the adult trying to defend …


While the juvenile stayed above and kept up the chase.


At this distance, I can’t tell.


But the adult flew off.  Wow!

Next, back to Chitina …


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