A Quiet Walk

Denali National Park                                             August 28, 2016

A Walk

I left the noisy Teklanika.


The constant roar of the river left me tired.


Instead I chanced upon a quiet brook; it’s mummers spoke to me.


Clouds gathered but I kept on walking, listening to the soft bubbles of dancing water.


Marveling in the colors of the meadow.


Seeing new details in the grass


and in the plants


and in the mushrooms


and where water met earth.


Where dewdrops and raindrops look like jewels on tiny green cups.


I was alone I thought – until I pondered on who made the faint path on which I walked.


Perhaps the moose whose nibbles seeking winter nourishment left their mark on nearby birch.


Or the bear that left her pawprints behind my tent.


Or that noisy squirrel I watched – three, four, five, six – I lost count as he threw down the spruce cones of nutty mast.


Or this squirrel who chided me when I disturbed his meal.


The birds left no footprints as they chattered


Most too fast for me to capture on my camera – but some seemed to pose for me.


Immersed in those quiet sounds of squirrels and birds and water, I paused to delight in this wondrous place.


and thought of yesterday and tomorrow.

Allowing myself to quietly seek peace …

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One Comment

  1. Heartfelt words & amzing photos, Barry! Thank you for sharing both with us. ?


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